jenny rolfe jenny rolfe

Blog Post Title One

“This book has given me so much more confidence and enjoyment in the handling and riding of my horse. After reading the lovely variety of practical techniques and personal experiences, I feel that I have a whole new 'tool box' to work with - and enjoy! The connection and understanding that Jenny has taken the time and had the insight to develop is such a gift for all horse lovers. I haven't been involved with horses for many years, or had loads of riding lessons and as such always felt a little intimidated by people who had. However, since reading this book and putting into practice the techniques, I feel much more comfortable in the way I 'do' horses and any tension is being replaced by such a sense of satisfaction and joy. This will always be a book I will want to dip into time and time again as each time I re-read the techniques, I gain another tip I can put into practice.”

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jenny rolfe jenny rolfe

Blog Post Title Two

“Jenny Rolfe's book inspires readers to explore the realm of possibilities opened to us through such a simple process as how we breathe. For many of us, especially as we get older, our breathing patterns change. We start breathing higher in our chest, called thoracic breathing. By its very nature, this `high breathing' changes our posture and centre of balance, which leads to increased tension and ultimately sends confusing signals to the horse. Many instructors will just tell their students to breathe. But if their breathing pattern is poor, so too will be the results. On the other hand, Jenny talks about low diaphragmatic breathing. This `deep belly' breathing centres our balance in the pelvic core, which promotes relaxation, projects calm, and focuses energy messages to the horse. As Jenny says, this breathing pattern develops the type of posture and composure that horses look for in a leader.”

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jenny rolfe jenny rolfe

Blog Post Title Three

“If you already have a good sense for how to read your horse you will love reading this book and learning how Jenny believes that your horse reads you! The first time I read this book I rushed through it and read through the night. It was the missing piece of the jigsaw that I had sensed but was just out of reach of my understanding. I wanted to see where Jenny was going to take her ideas. Now I'm rereading it slowly and carefully for the second having had the benefit of putting the ideas into practice and the book helping me to understand what my own pony was teaching me. Using Jenny's ideas has been immensely helpful for me working with a young, insecure and strong highland pony. Now that we are through that tricky stage I'm finding that I can start to use Jenny's ideas in many more ways to maintain rhythm, energise the paces, soften his frame. The book is far more helpful that most of the other horsey technique books on the shelf at home! It explains completely how we can be both the problem and the solution for our horses.”

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